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The Wedding
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The rehearsal will take place on the 25th August,2014 at “BEACHES RESORT”. This will give everyone a chance to mingle and meet before our wedding. We will run through a couple of quick practices then head out to "Tamarind Lounge" at Sunset Jamaica Grande to dine and party the night away!

Rudy and I have chosen as a couple to perform a Love Letter & Wine Box ceremony aside from Traditional Vows.....

“Like good wine, a great love will deepen and mature with age".....

Love letter exchange is a romantic ceremony that will serve as a lasting reminder of the commitments made to one another. This ceremony will be undertaken by us under guidance of the minister after vows are said and before the formal proclamation of Husband and Wife.

This box will contain a bottle of wine, two glasses. Heartfelt letters, encapsulating our thoughts and feelings from each individual to the other were written.These letters are sealed in individual envelopes and neither Bride nor Groom has seen what the other has written.The letters describe the good qualities we find in one another, the reasons we fell in love, and our reasons for choosing to marry. The letters will be exchanged in the presence of the minister, our friends and family and placed in the box. The box will then be locked with a special key blessed by the minister not to be opened until 5 years into our lives together have passed. 

The box is to be kept in a place of honor prominently displayed in our home as a constant reminder of our commitment to each other.

Should we ever find our marriage enduring insurmountable hardships...we are to as a couple, open this box, sit and drink the wine together.  Then separate, and read the letters we wrote to one another when we were united as a couple in marriage. By reading these love letters we will be able to reflect upon the reasons we fell in love and have chosen to marry each other.

The hope is, however, that we would never have a reason to open this box before its time. And if this is the case, we would have created our very own "Romantic Time Capsule” where this box will be opened to share and enjoy on our 5TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY.

Once the box is opened, new letters will be written to replace the old ones as a Private Renewal of our vows to each other filled with love whispers and memories. This ongoing 5 Year Renewal of Vows will serve as a testament to our love for each other as we reach milestones in life together.

Special Note:

To some, it may not seem like the most romantic thing to do on a wedding day (that is:to think about the days when things will be hard!)

However, it is important to 'US' that our ceremony and promises to each other be realistic. From the examples of our families and friends, we know that marriage is hard.  We know it is a lot of work.  

Rudy and I mean every word that we would have said on our spacial day....and do not intend to take lightly the words “as long as we both shall live.”