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I was in desperate need of this trip! Being in a long distance relationnship suck! I had not seen Shannon in 3 weeks. It was time! Nothing seemed different about this trip. Shannon was actually playing it cool. We talked almost the entire trip which is about 4 hours and some change. As I was getting closer Shannon kept asking me how far away I was and I just played it off. My usual line, I will get there when I get there. Since I was on the phone with him, he waited patiently. He met me in the parking lot which I thought was odd, but paid it no mine. Meanwhile Shannon was telling Jaylan that he had a surprise for me. Jaylan almost spilled the beans, but Shannon intervened. I walked into the door with Shannon and Jaylan behind me, and there before me was an aisle of petals and tea candles. My thoughts were awwwww this is for a romantic dinner with my favorite pizza. I walked further into the apartment and stopped before I got to the bar. At the bar was a heart made of tea candles and a ring box in the middle. I was like no you are not doing this. I did nto make it to the bar so Shannon went over and picked up the ring box. I immediately started crying. Sam Smith's "Make it to Me" was playing in the background. He was talking and I clearly did not hear him because I was crying and in shock! I thought he asked in the midst of me crying as he was one knee. There was a pause and I was like oh I need to answer this! I said yes!!!! Jaylan was in the background screaming we are getting married! This was the absolute best day of my life! Words cannot describe that moment when Shannon made the decision to make me part of his life! I am still in shock almost a year later! I cannot wait to be Mrs. Shannon Dixon on October 20!