Samantha & Micah
Samantha & Micah

We're getting married!

Samantha Conti
Micah Cristina

December 8th
Ocho Rios
95 Days Ago

Our Story

Samantha and Micah met at church when they were eight years old. Micah had a crush on Samantha, and would not leave her alone. He even sprayed her with bleech to get her attention, (he thought it was water), but it ruined her new dress so Samantha was not amuzed at all. Samantha did not like Micah and frankly wanted nothing to do with him...until he was 16 years old.

October 12th, 2016 Micah and Samantha hit it off. By "hitting it off" they mean hanging out the entire time while serving at church. After this they started liking each other. They "dated" for 6 months. During this period they did not actually date in the way you would think, but sat together at church and maybe occasionaly hung out outside of church a couple times. However, they did facetime and talk throughout the day and night. It was a normal teenage relationship. As normal teenage realtionships typically dont last long, you would not be surprised that they broke up in April of 2017.

Fast foward a couple of years to Janurary 2019 when Micah took Samantha on a real date, not just the church stuff. Pretty soon Micah asked Samantha to be his girlfriend (Feb 13th, 2019). Since then they were inseperable. 

On November 5th, 2022 Micah took Samantha to the top of a mountain in  Boulder, Colorado where they went on their first date at. He got down on one knee and popped the big question. Without a doubt Samantha said "Yes!"

May 24th, 2023 Samantha and Micah had their biggest blessing enter the world. Naomi Paige Cristina was born! If you don't already know, she is their entire world and they are so excited for her to be apart of their wedding day.

The future Cristina's are so excited for their special day and can't wait to celebrate with their family & friends.

Our Destination

Beaches Ocho Rios

Beaches Ocho Rios has something for everyone in the family. If you're game for "surf & turf," from a huge action-adventure waterpark to championship golf for the whole family, look no further than Beaches Ocho Rios all-inclusive resort, voted among the Top 10 Best Beach Resorts by Parents magazine. Twenty-two acres of lush tropical gardens, a gorgeous private white-sand beach, seven gourmet restaurants, five fantastic swimming pools, a dedicated scuba practice pool and an entire ocean of watersports are just a few of the places & things to explore.

If you're looking for a family beachfront getaway with an intimate private beach, a Pirates Island Waterpark, extra large accommodations, the only all-inclusive golf program for kids and near Jamaica's best attractions, Beaches Ocho Rios is for you.