John & Juliana
John & Juliana

Wedding Party

Chanudi Weerasinghe

Chanudi Weerasinghe

Maid of Honor

I remember the day I first met Chanudi, it was when she first started her oncology clinic rotations. The first doctor she was assigned to was the one that I worked with at the time. In normal Staten Island University Hospital fashion, they did not properly prepare her for her first day in clinic. Of course, I was more than happy to help her and hopefully I made her first day a little more manageable. It wasn't long into that first day we realized were basically the same person, lol. Both of us are super caring, friendly, hard-working, loving, and huge nerds. We bonded really quickly over our love of movies (especially Harry Potter) and all things geeky but also our love of family. The next couple of years, during her fellowship, we grew close. I remember having so much fun together during that time. Our movie nights and trips to the city were some of the best, not to mention all of the other time we got to share together. Chanudi, unfortunately, was far away from her family, with her work schedule it was hard to go see them. So, she became part of our family. Chanudi, you're my best friend, my sister, and my person. John and Alexi are luck were into men, lol. I couldn't imagine my wedding day without you standing by my side.
Michael Dixon

Michael Dixon

Best Man

Dillan Aponte

Dillan Aponte


Dillan and I grew up together, both of our parents were best friends, so it was only natural that we would become friends too. We were really close when we were young, but lost touch for a couple of years. We ended up reconnecting when I was in eigth grade. It was like no time had passed, we hung out almost everyday that summer. I remember our sleepovers, talking about music, shows, and or course our crushes. We became so close that one day we refered to each other as cousins and it just stuck. Now its been years and were still that close, I can call Dillan up anytime no matter how much time has passed, and can talk for hours about anything and everything, like no time has passed. It's truly amazing to have such a good frind in Dillan, she is caring, loving, funny, and anyone who knows her knows that she is the life of the party. Dillan, you always put a smile on my face and bring joy and happiness whenever your around. I couldnt picture my day with out you as a part of it.
Charlie Carillo

Charlie Carillo


Tyqueza McManus

Tyqueza McManus


I met Ty on her first day of work at the cancer center. Ty was walking around being introduced to everyone, I don't know what I did or said to get her to like me, but she would only come to me for help with anything. She was super quiet and to herself, people thought she didn't talk, some co-workers actually wanted to get her fired because she was not sociable with them, this is when we stopped just being co-workers and our friendship started. I did not like what people were saying and stuck up for her because yes Ty was quiet, but she was an amazing person and worker. Ty is such an amazing friend which I learned quickly when I started to get to know her. She will always have your back and be there for you without questions asked. I count myself lucky to have her as a friend because she is loyal and cares so much. We have become very close and had a lot of great memories. Also, I have to thank you for being the biggest supporter of the "John and Jules love story". Ty I don't think you even realize how much your friendship means to me and how happy I am to have you be a part of my life. I so am thankful you said you will be my bridesmaid and to have you next to me on my wedding day.

John Conte


Adrianna Phillips

Adrianna Phillips


One of the greatest loves of my life. The one who made me a mother. Adrianna, you all know, is my first born, my oldest daughter. But she is also one of my best-friends. I love our relationship and I wouldn't chance it for the world. I love how we are comfortable enough to share with me the uncomfortable and the cringe. We laugh and cry together, she knows I am always there and have her back. At the same time, she always shows me respect and stays within the boundraies I have set. Adrianna is an amazing person, but doesn't open up to just anyone. However, if you get to know the Adrianna I know, you would get to see just how beautiful she is. She is loving, caring, loyal, and an amazing friend. The funny thing is how similar Adrianna and John are. I think the main reason they butt heads sometimes is that they see in each other things that annoy them about themselves. Adrianna, you were one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am overjoyed that you get to be such a special part of this day and get to see me get married.
Michael Giglia

Michael Giglia


Connor Dixon

Connor Dixon

Jr. Groomsman

Riley Dixon

Riley Dixon

Flower Girl

Liam Dixon

Liam Dixon

Ring Bear