Parker & Dakota
Parker & Dakota


Please use this site for any questions you may have as you are booking your stay!

Is there a booking code we can use?

Yes! The code is WG23164641. If you are staying at Beaches or Sandals, please use this code upon booking!

Can we stay at either Beaches or Sandals?

Yes! If you choose to stay at Sandals, there is a taxi for $10 that will take you to Beaches. The ride will be 15 minutes! 


Which airport should I pick to fly in from?

Please choose Montego Bay as your airport destination. There is free transportation if you are staying at Beaches or Sandals that will take you to the resorts.


Can we stay off resort?

Yes! Please note that admission into the wedding will cost $150 for adults and $55 for children if you choose to stay off resort. You can buy a day pass for $300 if you chose to use amenities within the resort!


Do I have to pay for admission if I am staying at Sandals?

You do not have to pay the wedding fee if you are staying at Sandals. Admissions are included if you stay there!

Is there a dress code?

Dressy casual. This can include sun-dresses and jumpsuits for women, and button down shirts and khaki pants for men. Shoes optional for ceremony!

Any other special attire notes we should know?

Temperatures tend to dip a bit at night, and since the cocktail hour will be outside, you might want to bring a jacket or wrap.